

本帖最后由 占星家葵葵 于 2011-1-20 01:10 编辑

Planetary Hour: Moon
Day Ruler:Mercury

It is radical.

My question is What the role I will play in this forum?

Mercury and Moon Both refer to I ,furthermore Almuten planet of Acs is Mercury which in his own term at 4th house.
Moon with Saturn is a separation aspect but applying to Mars but also going to Jupiter which rules the 7th house before she changing her zodiacal sign.


    • 天旋: 新人报道 + 2 星币 + 3

本帖最后由 占星家葵葵 于 2011-1-20 01:10 编辑

The Mercury  in the void of course likes a mute or eccentric ,but he comes to his domicile Saturn the 5th house lord with fun and the 6th too with hard , conscientious and meticulous work what i expect finding here in the future {:2_27:} The conclusion is the Mercury NOT in the void course before he changing his zodiacal sign.

Moon the co-sigifier of the question itself and I , is well placed ,triangle with Jupiter the 7th house lord (others) and opposite to Sun the 12th house lord (mysticism) ,Which Sounds like an Astrologer indeed!!!{:2_31:}


    • 天旋: Wish you can become a popular astrologer + 2

